Words for anyone in recovery

You ARE “sick enough”.
You don’t need to get worse in order to be “sick enough” to get help. You don’t need to get worse for your pain to be real, recognized and treated. You don’t have to get worse in order to be taken seriously.

You DESERVE to get help.
You are allowed to ask for help and to accept it. You are worth the time it takes others to help you. You are worth getting better. You deserve to get better. You are not weak for getting help.

You ARE NOT a bad person for feeling like this.
You are allowed to feel weak, angry or exhausted. It is ok to feel like this. You can’t feel strength without weakness, there isn’t just one of the two, they coexist.

You CAN’T fight all the time.
You are allowed to rest. It is okay to feel tired. Relapses happen. You are not a bad person because of your coping methods. You can’t just be fine over night.

You DON’T have to cling to your illness in order to matter.
You will be cherished whether you’re ill or not. People aren’t gonna stop loving and supporting you once you’re doing better. You are not your illness.

Recovery IS hard.
It is okay to feel like you can’t fight anymore, there are days like this. Focus on yourself and survivng, be yourself and not some kind of recovery idol. It is okay to sometimes avoid events that stress you out.

You can do this, even if you feel like you can’t. There are better days to come, even if you can’t imagine it yet. You are perfect the way you are and you do not have to change to make anyone else happy. Focus on making yourself happy.